The hike begins at the mountain station of the Unterbäch cable car. From there you go to the nearby vantage point “Hohegga”, where you have a spectacular view over the whole village and the mountain range with the imposing Bietschhorn. Continue on to the steepest part of the hike, up to the “Egga”. Lunch awaits the hungry hikers at the “Alpenrösli” restaurant on Brandalp. From now on it’s downhill. Along the themed trail “Rütli der Schweizer Frau” (Rütli of the Swiss woman) you reach the alp “Holz”. The last section of the trail leads back to the village.
6 kilometers
400 meters of altitude
5 stations
1 lunch
Hike independently through the breathtaking mountain landscape of Unterbäch and get to know the Valais from its most natural side. Enjoy exclusive beers or wines from the region at 5 different stops. Another culinary highlight awaits you for lunch at the “Alpenrösli” restaurant on Brandalp.
6 kilometers
The Tüürli leads through forests, over pastures and along small rivers.
400 meters altitude
The Tüürli is a tough one. Thanks to the regular tasting stops, however, the metres of altitude overcome are hardly noticeable.
5 Stations
A wine and a beer are presented at each of five stations. You will also learn exciting facts about alpine life in the Valais.
1 lunch
The warm lunch (cholera) in the restaurant "Alpenrösli" on the Brandalp is included.
Contact us
Are you planning an event and want to know more? We would be happy to help you with the planning!

The Valais cholera is an onion and leek cake made of puff pastry with cheese, potatoes and apples and served with salad. Details about the origins of this Valais speciality and the presumed origin of its name can be found on the Tüürli in the Alpenrösli restaurant on Brandalp. Cholera is a vegetarian dish.
The cheese slice is baked with Valais raclette cheese and garnished with silver onions, cornichons, tomatoes and two fried eggs. The cheese slice is prepared vegetarian.
Buchen ist ganz leicht:
1) Wähle den gewünschten Standort
2) Wähle das Tüürli deiner Wahl
3) Gib die Anzahl Personen an, für die du dasselbe Tüürli buchen willst
4) Optional: Buche in den Extra weitere Tüürlis dazu
5) Wähle das Datum und die Startzeit für dein Tüürli (Die 30min. bezeichnen den Startslot, währendem du mit deiner Gruppe starten kannst. Wie lange ihr dann unterwegs seid, ist euch überlassen.)
6) Bezahle mit Kreditkarte
Nach der Buchung erhältst du direkt deine Buchungsbestätigung. Mit dieser kannst du am Tag des Tüürlis die Gläser abholen gehen.
Wine Tüürli sfr. 79.-
The classic. Included is a glass of wine at each of the 5 stations and the “Tüürli-z’Mittag” at Brandalp. A total of two white wines and three red wines await you. Immerse yourself in the diverse Valais wine landscape. All the wines come from the surrounding area and are lovingly produced by family businesses.

Beer Tüürli
The variant for beer lovers. What may seem surprising is proven here: Not only good wine is made in Valais, but also excellent beers. Included is a bottle of beer at each of the 5 stations and the “Tüürli-z’Mittag” at Brandalp. From lager to wheat to pale ale. All beers are brewed in the region.
Kombi Tüürli
“And both?” – We know the agony of choice! So that you don’t have to commit to one or the other, you can simply book both. Included are a glass of wine and a bottle of beer at each station, as well as the “Tüürli-z’Mittag” at Brandalp. Nothing should be lacking.

Sirup Tüürli adults sfr. 49.- / children sfr. 29.-
Das alkoholfreie Tüürli. Inbegriffen ist ein Glasji Sirup zum Anrühren an jeder der 5 Stationen und das «Tüürli-z’Mittag» auf der Brandalp (kleines “Tüürli-z’Mittag” für Kinder). Die fünf selbstgemachten Sirupkreationen werden angerührt im quellfrischen Wasser aus dem Ginals – Erfrischung pur.

"Zurück im Dorf beim letzten Degustationsort sind
wir alle von diesem Tüürli-Ausflug begeistert und
möchten Cindy und Jan zur Organisation dieser
gemütlichen Wanderidee gratulieren und alle
Interessierten, im Sinn unserer Aufgabe als
Tourismusbotschafter, auch zu einer Teilnahme
ermuntern." 200718_T__rli-Tour
P. Messerli
Important Informations
Abholen der Starterpakete und Schlüssel
At the mountain station of the Raron Unterbäch aerial cableway (LRU), one glass with holder can be grasped per participant. A group leader is appointed per group. The group leader reports to the railway staff and receives a form. He/she enters his/her personal details on the form and has each group member sign the appropriate field. After handing in the form and showing his confirmation of registration (printed out or on a mobile phone) and depositing his ID, he will receive the key for the 5 stations from the railway staff. The ID will be given back to him/her by the railway staff after completion of the hike and return of the key. If the key is lost, the group leader will be charged a fee of SFr. 100, which must be paid before the ID is handed over. The amount will be used to equip the stations with new locks.
At each station, each participant may take a glass of wine (or a bottle of beer) from the container. Our Tüürli is based on simplicity and trust. The participants are on their own and help themselves at the stations. The starting time and the respective speed can be determined by the participants themselves.
Ein Glas reicht nicht? – Kein Problem
Of course, we are happy if you like what you taste. If one glass or bottle is not enough, you are welcome to pour more. In this case, please deposit the corresponding amount in the cash box provided (in the milk can) or simply transfer it via Twint. The respective prices can also be found at the cash desk.
Bei Scherben putzen und melden
The glasses are sturdy, but if one should break, please clean it as well as possible and send us a quick text (or Snapchat). Especially at the occupied stations, people are sometimes walking barefoot. We want to take care of their property. Recycling bags and glasses At the last station there is a recycling box. We ask the participants to leave the glasses and the bags there so that we can clean and reuse them. Responsibility By signing the registration form, participants confirm that they are: 16 years or older (does not apply to the Sirup Tüürli).
Insured is.
Please report any irregularities or damage to us immediately. Cindy&Jan: 076 688 73 88